Everyone must dreams of something special in his or her special day, in this case a birthday. I do hope something special in my birthday, some cool surprise with fancy gift or amazing bday decoration, or even a simple thing like I hope someone who I think special will come or simply text me and give birthday wishes. Last week, I ever think that my birthday which on 30th July would be boring and would not be special at all because last year I literally did nothing and Antoni was in Slovakia for AIESEC at that time, but he called me at 12 pm with roaming credit and selfishly I still hope he would send me something or anything that could make me happier (again... so selfish and I regret myself in doing so)
That thing was actually the reason behind my crazy plan to escape from home to somewhere although I have to travel alone so that I could celebrate my birthday somewhere in nicer place and hope I could just skip my bday faster. But then something bad happened to me and my friend gave me an advice to be good and dutiful to my parents and hope God will heal my problems, then I follow her advice and follow my mom's words to just stay at home. I tried to accept and did not expect anything in my bday. I was surprised because exactly at 12 am on 30 July my family gave me a surprise which they did not do this last year and another years back.
In this point I realize what matters is not the fancy gift or huge balloons, but how you could be thankful of what you've got in ur birthday, in your age now. And from that, I realize I should be thankful to God that still let me experience my 20, and surrounded by people who love me to death. Besides, growing old means a changing of your mindset. This actually the thing that you need to consider in your birthday. Do I really grow mentally? Do I really mature enough in this old age? Do I really need those fancy gifts or bday decoration or stuff?
I remember my brother's birthday. My father was hospitalized when he was having a birthday. He did not have gf and his friends were out of town. Nobody gave him surprises except me and my brother's friend who lives in my house. Sad huh? I look at myself and I realized I was that stupid ever think to escape or expect fancy gift or stupid bday decoration while my brother only expect that my father could get better soon and could celebrate his bday with us in home together as one complete family :")
So try not to be selfish guys.. These are the common cases why you (and I used to think) your bday could probably the worst and hope u could rethink again
1. Nobody gave you a surprise while others are given cool surprise
Hey! surprise is only one of the examples of love's expression, and love can be expressed through many ways. Believe me, bday wishes is also a form of love. If someone does not love you, do you think they probably want to greet you?
2. Someone who you think special did not greet you and gave you bday wishes
It's probably sad to think about it, but be reminded that it is only a small part of your world! You still have plenty of people who love you and who you can love!! If in this case it's your family, think positively that they might remember but busy at that time to work FOR YOUR PROSPERITY.
3. I was sick/ I lost someone I love
I really hope that you don't experience this, but just don't put a mindset that your birthday which supposedly be beautiful turned to be the worst day in your life. Again, you surrounded by many people who love you and care of you and always be there to support you. Be thankful that in this age, you still be given another age to pray for your lover who for instance already passed away or left you somewhere. Be thankful that you still could experience this beautiful world that many many people couldn't since some are given such a short time to actually experience this beautiful world.
In short, birthday is not something you should celebrate with fancy party and such things, but your birthday should be marked by your maturity. The way you think, the way you build your perspective to see this world and your surrounding. For me, the most important thing is how you could become a better person every year. If you could just at least be thankful of what you've got now (which you actually start to be a better person who could think wisely) you do not actually need number and candle to mark that you are growing old, but your behavior already become the witness that you already step up into more mature world and be a better person through self introspection :)
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