May 3, 2013

New page, new problem.

okayyy, let's move from the last page. And start with a new life and new problem (indeed!). Hafffttt my life and problems are like stamps and glue which could never be separated. this heart (supposedly) strong enough to hold any problem. but it's just too hard to hold a problem now. Besides my family problem which is getting bad and hmm.. why boy problem never ends. okey, it's gone, bye and thanks. but this heart.. I cannot lie. I just think too much about him. And when this heart try to balancing those two problems, another problem come. Yes that's the best part. The climax. La la la la la ~ I try not to think too much about another one, but the another one force me to think about it too much. So selfish! 

The another one is about my future, actually the university. The time when i should register for admission of new student is so close. I went to Bandung-jakarta-bandung-jakarta just to take tests for medical school. it took a very big efforts so I hope the result won't let my parents and me down. 


I hope that there is someone who I can lean my shoulder on, I hope it's you, but hm... I know it won't happen. it's okay i handle it by my own.